Loire BioAcoustics Association (ALBA)

These emerging bioacousticians' days are organised by the Loire bioacoustics association. The aim of this association is to promote bioacoustics research among young people.
The members of the team organising these emerging bioacousticians' days are members of this association.
The idea of organising days for young bioacoustics researchers was born in 2021. After two years‘ work, the first Emerging Bioacoustician Days were held in June 2023. Since then, the aim has been to perpetuate and grow this event in order to strengthen the community and share advances in the field.
Emerging Bioacousticians Days
Over the past few decades, research in bioacoustics experienced a considerable growth. Bioacoustics is a scientific discipline at the interface between physical acoustics and animal biology.
Originally from the study of animal behavior, bioacoustics is diversifying and remains today, deeply multidisciplinary. It calls on a wide variety of scientific fields such as biology, mathematics, physics, psychology, linguistics, computer science or engineering sciences.
This first edition of the Emerging Bioacousticians Days aims to highlight the wealth, the diversity and the quality of the production of young researchers in bioacoustics. The friendly and constructive atmosphere created around this symposium will encourage meetings between young researchers and encourage interdisciplinary dialogue.